Sunday, July 29, 2007

Bass part 9 - Muddy water vibrators for bass

Now lets go a little deeper on the subject, bass in dirty water. I lived in Georgia as an early to mid teen young boy. In the spring it usually rained for 40 days and 40 nights at a time and then it rained some more. Needless to say if you wanted to catch bass, it was going to be in muddy water. Always being the tinkerer, I knew there had to be a way to catch those muddy water bass that I saw busting bait fish in extremely shallow water.

I knew that a lure had to make vibrations so the fish could feel it, and it needed to be bright so the fish could see it. Also since the fish were up in the flooded brush, it needed to be weedless. My first attempt was a reel winner, I took a Johnson weedless silver spoon and painted it florescent green, then put a white pork rind in some green food color and left it overnight. It came out real green, and boy did the bass love this combo, they just ate it up!

But the water could not be too muddy, if the lure disappeared in less than a foot, the water was too muddy. I needed something with more vibration in the real muddy stuff. My solution, take the treble hook off of a Mepps # 4 or 5 spinner and attach a weedless single hook with a split ring. The spinner was painted florescent green and a green pork trailer was added to the weedless hook. I could cast this into the thickest brush and bring it through with very few hangups, except when it hung in the corner of some grumpy ole bass's mouth which was often.

This was before bass boats, depth finders or trolling motors. Very few people fished the farm ponds I fished, and the fish were virgins, no fear! I waded out past the weeds and cast back towards shore into pockets and under overhanging trees. The fishing was AMAZING!!!!! Even in the larger lakes that received more fishing pressure, when the water was muddy bass fishermen went else where, or stayed at home. The only fishermen I saw were after catfish.

When it rained a lot and the water got real muddy and came up three or four feet, it flooded brush and bushes that yesterday were high and dry, and full of worms, bugs and lots of other edible goodies. The small fish came to eat the bugs and the larger fish came to feast on them.

And when that big # 5 Mepps came thumping by, it was as if somebody had rung the bass's dinner bell. They jumped all over it. It put out a lot of vibrations and the bass could key in on it before they could see it. VIBRATIONS ARE THE KEY TO MUDDY WATER BASS FISHING!

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